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Monday, November 2, 2009

15 fat burning foods

15 fat burning foods

Want to shed some unwanted pounds without feeling deprived? Eat fast food - no, not triple decker burgers and supersized fries, but foods that function almost like amphetamines, says a “Men’s Health” article posted on on AOL Health. These foods help burn calories without any extra treadmill time. Take a taste of these 15 metabolism-boosters.

Milk contains calcium, which acts as a metabolic trigger. A University of Tennessee study found that dieters who consumed 1,200 to 1,300 mg of calcium daily lost almost twice as much weight as dieters who ingested less calcium. Milk also is a rich source of complex carbohydrates, which can boost your metabolism by helping your insulin levels stay low after a meal. And low insulin levels are desirable - high insulin levels are the signal to your body to hang onto fat.

Got milk? Its calcium can help you burn more calories, so have a glass of skim - or two.

Whole grain cereal is a fab source of both complex carbs and fiber, and these are what’s needed to keep your metabolism pumped by keeping insulin levels low after a meal. Since insulin spikes make your body think it’s time to start storing the fat, eating foods that lower insulin levels makes sense.

In order to stockpile fat, State University of New York at Stony Brook nutrition professor Margaret McNurlan, Ph.D., tells AOL, your body slows down your metabolism. The result is that you burn fewer calories. The antidote? Eating metabolism-boosting foods - like whole grain cereal.

Stay away from the white breads and cereals in favor of their whole grain counterparts, which help keep insulin levels low.

Oats are a rich source of fiber, which pumps up your metabolism. And since oatmeal breaks down slowly in your stomach, says AOL Health, it doesn’t cause a big insulin spike the way carbs like bagels do. Oatmeal is typically eaten for breakfast, which is an important meal to consume for anyone who wants to burn calories. Eating this meal keeps insulin production down and revs up the daily calorie burn.

When the U.S. Navy studied the eating habits and metabolisms of some of its personnel, it found that eating breakfast helped raise the men’s metabolisms by up to 10 percent. “By skipping meals, you slow down your metabolism and prime your body to store fat,” McNurlan tells AOL.

Have some oats! Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day if you want to lose weight.

Jalapenos contain a chemical called capsaicin, which not only gives peppers their pungent flavor but speeds up the heart rate and boosts the metabolism. They’re good for spicing up not just meals but snacks, too. Research also found that eating small snacks helps the body not run out of fuel and may prevent those 3 p.m. slumps at the office, reports AOL Health.

“When you restrict the number of calories your body has for fuel, your metabolic rate can drop temporarily,” Susan Roberts, Ph.D., chief of the energy-metabolism laboratory at Tufts University, tells AOL. This can make it easier to put on weight - and to take it off again.

Add some spice to your life with fresh jalapeno peppers and reap the healthy benefits.

Habaneros, extremely hot chile peppers, are found both fresh and dried in spicy foods. A recent study from Laval University in Quebec found that men who consumed coffee and red pepper-packed snacks and meals burned almost 1,000 more calories a day than the control group, according to AOL Health.

Can you handle the heat of the habanero? If so, you'll enjoy the extra calories burned.

Pungent, bright red cayenne chiles are often ground into cayenne pepper, a typical ingredient in a spicy meal. One study found that eating just one spicy meal a day boosts metabolism by up to 25 percent, reports AOL Health. The calorie burn lasts for up to 3 hours after you stop eating.

Pop a pepper - or rather, cut one up and put it in your main dish - and feel the calorie burn.

Green tea has a chemical called EGCG that causes the brain and nervous system to run faster and helps you burn more calories. EGCG works sort of like caffeine except that caffeine causes your heart to beat faster. Want a super boost of your metabolism? Try combining caffeine and a 90 mg.dose of EGCG three times a day and you can burn an additional 80 calories a day, AOL Health says. Researchers found this out, along with the great news that you don’t have to engage in exercise for this to happen; it occurs when your body is at rest.

Green tea has all the metabolism-boosting benefits of more caffeinated beverages without the heart-racing side effects.

Chicken made the "Men's Health" because it is high in metabolism-boosting protein. Danish researchers found that men who subbed protein for one fifth of their daily carbs increased the number of calories they burned each day by up to five percent, AOL Health reports.

Have an extra helping of grilled chicken instead of more carbs, and you could be on your way to a leaner body.

Coffee contains caffeine, which helps speed up your heart rate and thus helps you burn more calories, reports AOL Health. And this benefit comes in coffee of all kinds, whether it’s iced, hot or in a mocha smoothie. Of course, the hundreds of calories in a sugar and fat-rich blended coffee drink can negate whatever heart-quickening benefit the coffee in caffeine imparts, so you may want to consider using skim milk and keeping sweeteners to a minimum.

Drink your cup o' joe black or with a dash of skim milk to make the most of its calorie-torching benefits.

Beef is an excellent source of protein. The more protein you consume, the harder your body has to work to digest it. But be smart about beef consumption, and keep it lean, AOL recommends. Lean beef chops that are grilled and seasoned with fresh herbs are a much better bet than ribs slathered with barbecue sauce.

Lean beef chops can help you stay trim - just go easy on the sugar-laden barbecue sauce.

Salmon contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which can alter the levels of a hormone in your body called leptin, says AOL Health. Lower leptin levels are associated with a higher caloric burn. This fish is excellent on the grill, so think of it when it's time to fire up the barbecue this season.

Get in the swim of things with a salmon fillet and a side of steamed veggies and rice.

Lean beef helps boost your metabolism because it’s rich in protein, which requires more calories for your body to digest than either fat or carbs, says AOL Health. Keep in mind the key word here: lean. That means steering clear of well marbled T-bone steaks in favor of leaner cuts like top round. And if you want a burger, substitute ground sirloin for higher-fat ground chuck.

It's all in the cut where steak is concerned - the leaner and less marbled, the better for you.

Eating tuna can help reduce the level of the hormone leptin in the body. Lower leptin levels are associated with faster metabolisms - at least in mice. University of Wisconsin researchers discovered that mice with low leptin levels have faster metabolisms and burn fat more efficiently than aniamls with higher leptin levels, reports AOL Health.

Mix up a tuna salad sandwich (with a low-fat mayo or spread) and you could give your metabolism a nice bump.

Turkey is a dieter’s friend because it’s a great source of lean protein, which helps boost metabolism, says AOL Health. Removing the skin before eating saves additional fat calories, too. Turkey breast can be used just like chicken, so try dicing and using in a stir-fry, cubing and skewering onto kabobs, or grilling.

Don't wait til Thanksgiving to carve up your turkey - it's got plenty of filling lean protein (just skip the fattening skin).

Sardines are rich in fish oil, and French research has found that men who replaces six grams of fat with six grams of fish oil lost an average of two pounds in just 12 weeks, according to AOL Health. And by the way, if you hate fish, not to worry. Fish-oil supplements appear to work just as well as the real thing.

Not a fan of sardines? Pop a fish-oil supplement for the same health benefits.

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15 Fat Burning Foods - A Quick List of 15 Foods That Will Help to Put Your Body on Top Shape!

15 fat burning foods

So you want to know the 15 fat burning foods that can help you shed off some unwanted pounds without having to give up all your sweet favorite meals?

Alright, here are the 15 of them:

• Whole Grain Bread
• Oaths
• Chicken
• Salmon
• Turkey
• Sardines
• Tuna
• Fresh Cheese
• Green Beans
• Green Tea
• Summer Squash
• Cabbage
• Asparagus and other not starchy vegetables.
• Eggs
• And of course, protein rich meats (like pork).

But where exactly is the stuff that makes this variety of foods to help me burn excess body fat instead of increasing it? Is it in the foods or in my body?

Well it'/s partly in the foods and partly in the body. Let'/s say that this is just like the two sides of a coin. Both sides must be intact or else the coin won'/t be useful as money. In that same way, both the foods we have mentioned and certain chemical processes that take place in your body each time you eat must be essentially combined to help you shed excess fat while you eat.

Here are some 12 points that will help you understand how the process works:

1. It is NOT just the foods, but the speed of your body'/s metabolism that determines how much fat you can shed with this method.

2. The speed of your body'/s metabolism is 'mainly' determined by the type of food you eat, and how frequently you eat them.

3. Metabolism is defined by the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary as "the chemical processes in living things that change food etc. into energy and materials for growth".

4. The process of metabolism simply suggests that each time you take your meal; your body starts the systematic job of digesting the food, drawing out the available nutrients from it, and converting them into the essential energy which it needs to keep functioning properly and effectively.

5. The faster the process of metabolism, the higher the rate of calories your body burns; and the less the volume of fat it stores under your skin.

6. The slower the process of metabolism, the lower the rate of calories your body burns; and the higher the volume of fat you get.

7. Eating smaller meals at more regular intervals all through the day can help to speed up your metabolism.

8. Skipping established meals (especially breakfast) could disrupt your digestive pattern and slow down your metabolism seriously.

9. The more the metabolism jobs your body has got to do the higher the rate of speed at which it tries to get the job done.

10. Foods like carbohydrates and proteins are known to help your body develop the highest metabolic rate. While stuffs like caffeine, coffee, tea, chocolate, and a chemical found in chilies are also known to help but at a minimal level.

11. While carbohydrates and proteins may sound like the real catch, remember that they won'/t give your body the complete round of nutrients it needs. So your best choice is to eat well-balanced meals -- at definite but regular intervals -- that contain protein, not starchy vegetables, fats, and carbohydrates. And do not bank on vitamins and mineral supplements. They aren'/t equal with the real things found naturally in food!

12. To increase the speed of your body'/s metabolism temporarily by as much as 30%, all you need is to drink some cold water.

Finally, it'/s important to know that there are a couple of other factors that could also influence your body'/s speed of metabolism. And they include your age, sex and medical condition.

And remember that while each of the foods I have listed here are sure to help put your body'/s metabolism on a very fast lane, and keep you on top shape, they cannot actually remove the fat that'/s already accumulated in your body before now.

So you must understand that some additional healthy techniques may be needed to make your desire to burn this fat come true very fast without any regrets!

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15 Fat Burning Foods to Help You Drop Pounds!

15 fat burning foods

Is it really possible to find a free list of fat burning foods? Yes! After reading this article, you'll have our free list of 15 fat burning foods. Most foods seem like they would do just the opposite - help you to gain, not lose weight. But there are some foods that actually burn fat! Hard to believe, I know, but these are medically proven to boost your metabolism.

But these foods must be terrible ones, right? The ones you couldn't manage to eat even if someone paid you to do so? You might be surprised to learn that the most popular 15 fat burning foods are ones that you probably have in your kitchen right now, and you just might include them in your meals on a daily basis. Bet you never dreamed fat burning foods were sitting in your refrigerator, waiting to help you lose weight!

If you like a good salad, then you're in luck. If you love fruits, even better! If you manage to put a green, leafy salad and a few servings of fruit together for a meal, you're doing something good for your body that just might burn fat all day long.

So, with no further ado, what are the best 15 fat burning foods?

A helping of asparagus will help your body by burning fat, even as you eat it! Beets, cabbage and brussels sprouts are also high on the list of foods that are good for you. Did you know that crunching carrots is something that will keep your body burning fat long after you've satisfied your sweet veggie craving?

Celery and cucumber, two of those summertime favorites, are fantastic for burning fat. Chop them up and sprinkle them over your salads for a quick fat-burning boost. How about putting radishes on your salad? Speaking of salads, lettuce is a good way to burn fat, so eat as much of it as you like! Don't hesitate to put those onions and tomatoes on your sandwich - they are great fat-burning foods, too.

When you're cooking, keep in mind some of the great additives that are good for burning fat. Any dish with a healthy dose of garlic gets the fat-burning started, and adding a pinch of horseradish is a sure-fire bet to keep the burn going. Apple cider vinegar is one of those foods that rank high on the list, so cook with it often.

Finally, citrus fruits are sure bets for burning away fat and keeping it off. There are many different reasons they are good for you, and now you have one more reason to keep eating the luscious, juicy fruits you have always loved to eat.

To recap, the best 15 fat burning foods are asparagus, beets, brussels sprouts, carrots, celery, cucumber, radishes, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, garlic, horseradish, apple cider vinegar and citrus fruits. Choose any from the list and you will be well on your way to weight loss success.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

15 Fat Burning Foods - Eat And Lose?

15 Fat Burning Foods

Are there 15 fat burning foods that you can eat and lose weight? Yes and no. There are foods that you can eat that help you feel satisfied, full and content. Feel that way and you will usually eat less and maintain or lose weight. That can be a good thing. I'll share 15 food ideas for losing fat, but first a little background.

Two hormones produced in the pancreas, glucagon and insulin, determine how your body uses carbohydrates. The ratio of these two hormones is what really is critical for sugar use.

Glucagon directs the liver to release sugars, which raises the blood sugar available for use by the brain and the rest of the body. Glucagon also signals the cells to release fat for energy and to release protein for building. Insulin is responsible for putting nutrients into cells. Thus insulin regulates the transfer of fats, proteins and sugars from the bloodstream to the cells. If more sugar is available than is required, insulin signals the liver to produce fat.

Glucagon is released when proteins are eaten. Insulin is released when carbohydrates are eaten. Neither is released when you eat fats or nonstarchy foods. If carbohydrates are eaten alone, the insulin to glucagon ratio is too high. If protein is eaten alone, the insulin to glucagon ratio is too low. Eat a balanced meal with protein, fats, nonstarchy vegetables and carbohydrates and you can have a balanced insulin to glucagon ratio which can burn fat and build muscle.

Eating a balanced meal will not lead to fat production, it could even lead to fat loss. Also a balanced meal will not lead to muscle loss, it could even lead to muscle gain.

Following are 15 fat burning foods ideas. With the background in the first paragraphs, you can see that just eating a few selected foods will not magically cause weight loss. However, making some fairly simple changes in the way you eat could finally help you to lose weight and keep it off.

  1. Coconut oil - the fats in coconut oil are not usually stored as fat.
  2. Salmon - eat protein and fats with carbohydrates for a balanced insulin to glucagon ration.
  3. Whole grain breads - sugars released more slowly than processed grains, so less insulin response.
  4. Asparagus - a nonstarchy vegetable even helpful with cheese sauce.
  5. Cabbage - use it many different ways especially helpful in soup as a filler.
  6. Kale - high in calcium plus easy to grow yourself.
  7. Chicken - balance a meal with chicken on a salad.
  8. Garlic - use it however you can.
  9. Green beans - fills you up but nonstarchy so no effect on insulin to glucagon ratio.
  10. Cod liver oil - an important supplement for Vitamins A and D.
  11. Bitters - like Swedish Bitters, often helpful for digesting fats.
  12. Bell peppers - another sweet tasting nonstarchy vegetable useful in several ways.
  13. Summer squash - especially good with light cheese sauces.
  14. Cheese - in limited amounts, preferably fresh, as the fats in aged cheese are damaged.
  15. Eggs - contains proteins plus fats to satisfy hunger and combine well with carbohydrates.

There are many more than 15 fat burning foods if you realize the real keys to healthy eating and weight loss. Include any and all nonstarchy vegetables as part of your eating plan.

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Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani